3D Printed Nylon – The Revolution in Sleep Appliances
The 3DS Advance, dorsal design, is the most popular style of custom made appliance worldwide. It is the only appliance where the upper and lower components are not connected, allowing maximum comfort with minimal side effects.
3D Printed Nylon Appliances are the thinnest, most comfortable available, yet unbreakable in the mouth. Acrylic resin, including milled and hard/soft versions are becoming obsolete due to its bulkiness, brittleness and tendency to fracture. It is imperative that an appliance worn during sleep does not fracture. Nylon is now regarded as the optimal material.
“3D printing using nylon represents the biggest breakthrough I have seen in the field of dental sleep medicine. While the appliances are extremely thin, we have not had a single fracture in two years of use in our clinic.”
What is a sleep study?
A sleep study is the monitoring of your sleep for the diagnosis of sleep apnoea and other sleep disorders. During the study sensors record breathing, snoring, oxygen levels, brain activity, cardiac activity, body position, and body movements.
Why is a sleep study important?
Most patients who snore are unaware they may have sleep apnoea. The sleep study will not only determine whether sleep apnea is present but also establish the level of severity which is a key factor in determining the best available treatment option to ensure successful results.
What are some of the reasons you may need a sleep study?
• Snoring which disturbs others sleeping close by
• Unrefreshed sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness
• Disturbed sleep
• Going to the bathroom during the night
Doing a sleep study at home
A sleep study unit can now be sent to the patient’s home and the results, including treatment recommendations from a sleep physician, are available within 7 days.
Latest innovation in home diagnostics unit worn on wrist
Are all oral appliances the same?
Absolutely not. Current scientific research shows that custom-made, adjustable appliances are by far the most effective and comfortable.
One size fits all “boil and bite” devices are bulky, uncomfortable and difficult to adjust to achieve an optimal result. It is important to only use appliances supported by scientific studies.
Are oral appliances comfortable to wear?
Although the mouth can be a sensitive area, virtually all patients adapt within a night or two and find the appliance surprisingly comfortable and don’t want to sleep without it.
How effective is an oral appliance?
Oral appliances have been scientifically proven to be over 95% effective for overcoming snoring with a similar level of effectiveness with sleep apnoea. The majority of people wake more refreshed and energised.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Australasian Sleep Association designate oral appliances to be the first-line treatment for snoring, and along with the CPAP machine, the only two proven treatments for sleep apnoea.
For more information, speak to your dentist today.
Snoring is a widespread problem that can impact relationships, with many people sleeping in separate bedrooms. Snoring is also a sign of airway obstruction, with over 70% of regular snorers having a degree of sleep apnoea.
Sleep apnoea is an important medical disorder in which airflow is reduced during sleep and can significantly impact your health and quality of life.
Common symptoms include:
• Snoring,
• Waking unrefreshed,
• Some degree of sleepiness,
• Disturbed breathing during sleep,
• Poor concentration,
• Memory problems,
• Sexual dysfunction.
This can lead to health & safety problems including:
• Elevated blood pressure,
• Heart disease and stroke,
• Diabetes,
• Risk of motor vehicle and workplace accidents.
“Research over the last ten years has identified oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnoea as an important alternative to the CPAP machine.”
For Snoring
Custom-made oral appliances, fitted by a trained dentist, are regarded by sleep physicians, and other experts in the field, as the most effective, proven form of treatment available for snoring.
According to the Australian Dental Association, and based on extensive research studies, “…95 per cent of people will have an improvement in the level of their snoring when using an oral appliance.”
For Sleep Apnoea
There are only two proven treatments for sleep apnoea- custom made oral appliances and the CPAP machine. The results from multiple published research studies* show that oral appliances are as effective as the CPAP machine yet are far more comfortable and easy to use. This is good news for the many people who find it challenging to use CPAP.
The 3DS Advance appliance (below) is fully adjustable which is essential for achieving the ideal position of the jaw which eliminates all the snoring, sleep apnoea or tiredness.
Custom-Made 3D Printed Nylon Appliances
Custom-made oral appliances were traditionally made from acrylic, a brittle material; they needed to be relatively thick to prevent fracturing. However, there has been a breakthrough in materials with the the advent of 3D printed nylon.
3D printed nylon appliances are thin, unobtrusive and worn over the top and bottom teeth during sleep, gently holding the jaw forward and keeping the airway open, thereby overcoming snoring and sleep apnoea. Appliances made from 3D printed nylon are extremely thin, down to 1mm in thickness, which allows for unprecedented comfort. The nylon material, even this thin is virtually unbreakable in the mouth, is extremely long-lasting and is the new standard of care in oral appliances.
“I am using an oral appliance myself and recommending them to my patients who have problems with snoring and sleep apnoea. I’m very impressed with the comfort and effectiveness of the new 3D printed nylon appliances.”
The City Central Dental has moved. From Friday 8th November we will be at our new clinic. 201-203 Currie St, Adelaide SA 5000
Parking available at the rear of the building.